Director of Society Affairs at City Protocol, Researcher and Project Leader at Universitat Rovira i Virgili at Biocenit Research Lab
My research interests have shifted over the years, but always keeping an accent on complex and non-linear systems. I am currently involved in modelling complexity from the nanoscopic and microscopic scales of biological systems to the macroscopic urban ecosystems where complex adaptive human behaviors emerge.
The first nanoinformatics subject is carried out at the University Rovira i Virgili. It aims at establishing techniques for modeling the interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems with a systems biology approach.
The second main area of activity about complex adaptive human behavior in Cities is carried out at the City Protocol Society, an International California Non-Profit Corporation that promotes, guides, and accelerates the responsible transformation of cities with cities, industry, academia, and non-profits working and learning together. A Science of Cities in needed to understand the complex network of human relationships (social, economic and political) that evolve under the accelerated impact of information and communication technologies.
The above research activities have always had an innovation component, fueled by an innate curiosity about the technology market and the potential commercial value of ideas. As a result the following projects and results have been respectively managed and obtained:
Projects and contracts: 152 R&D+i projects funded by industry, 43 research projects funded by Research Agencies, and 67 consulting jobs
Master and Doctoral Thesis: Supervision of 23 Master theses and 34 Doctoral/Ph.D. theses
Conference Presentations: 248 papers presented at scientific meetings, 18 as invited keynote lectures
Scientific Publications: 147 archival publications
Innovation and entrepreneurship: 2 spin-off companies, 1 invention and 1 patent
- Dynamics of Complex and Non-Linear Systems
- Environmental engineering & chemistry
- Bio and Nanoinformatics
- Education and Sociotechnical Systems